Bitumen (2-Coat Spray Seal) vs Asphalt (Hotmix)
When you are looking for the right product for your job whether it is a driveway, carpark or road, it can be a challenge to navigate the differences between the two products if you haven’t had experience before.
2-Coast Spray Seal is applied by spraying a layer of binder, spreading the large-sized aggregate and, after suitable rolling and sweeping, spraying another lower application of binder followed by the spreading of a layer of smaller aggregate.
Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates, binder and filler mixed together at a high temperature forming hot mix asphalt. This is then laid using a paver or on smaller jobs by hand and compacted with a roller and specific compaction rates until firm and smooth.
Some questions to ask yourself when looking for the best product area:
- What is my desired budget?
- How long do I want this to last?
- How often do I want to get repairs done?
- What is the finished look I would like?
- What is the expected use of the completed job?
- Do I have challenges with slope and water?
Bitumen (2 Coat Spray Seal)

Asphalt (Hotmix)

Spray seal is the cheaper option between the two and can be a good solution for large jobs with restricted budgets. Asphalt is the more expensive solution short term.
Lifespan and Repairs
Asphalt is designed for longevity, lasting up to 30 years. Spray seal life span varies dramatically as it is dependent on many environmental factors. Repairs on spray seal can often be needed within the first year. Both asphalt and spray seal can be patched easily and cost-effectively however spray seal will need to be maintained regularly as opposed to a quality asphalt.

Finished look
A spray seal finish will be rough as there will be aggregate on top which becomes lost over time. An asphalt finish is very smooth and tightly packed for a high-end finish.
Intended Use and Environmental Factors
Spray seal isn’t intended to hold up against heavy vehicles or high trafficking well. If you have a slope to work with traction and can become a problem with spray seal as well as heavy rains/water run-off. Asphalt thickness needs to be appropriate for the intended use as residential and commercial can vary between 30mm and 50mm completed levels. Asphalt that has been laid at the correct thickness for environmental factors and usage will live up to its life expectancy.